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Building a Better Iowa: Oliver’s Policy Commitments

I am committed to Building a Better Iowa—a place where families can thrive, businesses can grow, and communities flourish. By focusing on key areas such as economic opportunity, affordable healthcare, and practical education, we can create a state that’s stronger, more vibrant, and ready for the future. Iowa is the heartland of America, and we have the power to lead by example, showing what’s possible when we work together to improve the lives of all Iowans

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Curbing Inflation

Iowa’s economy is at a tipping point, and it’s time for decisive action to create a brighter future. Rising costs of living, from skyrocketing interest rates to higher grocery and fuel prices, are affecting families across the state. We must focus on solutions that build a stronger, more resilient economy right here in Iowa.

  • Lower our State Income Tax to 0 Percent: By eliminating state income tax, we can increase disposable income for all Iowans, making our state more attractive for residents and businesses alike.

  • Lower Real Estate Taxes: Reducing property taxes will make homeownership more affordable, encourage investment in real estate, and stimulate the housing market.

  • Shrink Government: We need to reduce the size of government, cutting unnecessary regulations and bureaucracy that stifle innovation and economic growth. This will create a more efficient and responsive government that serves the people.


  • Put Iowa Businesses FIRST: Supporting local businesses is crucial. We will prioritize policies that help Iowa’s small businesses thrive, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities to grow and create jobs.

By focusing on these core areas, we can Build a Better Iowa—an economy where families, businesses, and communities prosper together.

Improving Healthcare

Every Iowan has been negatively affected by soaring healthcare expenses. From health insurance to medical costs, it's out of control. My healthcare policies will center around the following key areas:

  • Lowering Healthcare Costs: We will implement policies that drive down the cost of healthcare, making it more affordable for all Iowans. This includes promoting competition among providers, reducing administrative overhead, and leveraging technology to improve efficiency.​

  • Ensuring that Our Veterans Are Supported: Our veterans have made immense sacrifices for our country, and they deserve the best care possible. We will prioritize policies that provide comprehensive healthcare services to veterans, including mental health support and streamlined access to VA services.

  • Standing for Health Freedom: Iowans should have the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions without excessive government interference. We will fight against mandates that restrict personal choice and advocate for patient rights and medical autonomy.

  • Promoting Informed Consent: Ensuring that Iowans are fully informed about their healthcare options and the potential risks and benefits of treatments is crucial. We will support policies that enhance transparency and uphold the principle of informed consent.

By focusing on these critical areas, we can create a healthcare system that is more affordable, accessible, and responsive to the needs of all Iowans.

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Strengthening Our Schools

Every child deserves access to a quality education that prepares them for a successful future, no matter where they live. By focusing on the fundamentals and investing in practical skills, we can create an education system that truly serves all Iowa students.

  • Renew a Focus on the Fundamentals and Let Teachers Teach:
    We will emphasize core subjects like reading, math, science, and history, giving teachers the freedom to focus on delivering essential skills without unnecessary administrative burdens or political distractions.

  • Revive Our Technical and Trades Programs: Technical and vocational education is crucial for preparing students for successful careers in the trades. We will invest in and expand these programs to provide students with practical skills and career opportunities right out of high school.

  • Provide an Educational Space Free from Politics: Our schools should be focused on learning, not politics. We will ensure classrooms are spaces for education, fostering an environment where all students can thrive and focus on their future.

  • Promote Fairness in Girls' Sports:                          We are committed to protecting the integrity of girls’ sports, ensuring that female athletes have the opportunity to compete on a level playing field. This includes upholding policies that respect biological differences between male and female athletes.               ​​

  • ​​​​​Ensure Safe Spaces for Iowa’s Young Women:     The safety and privacy of young women in schools is a top priority. We will champion policies that protect their right to private spaces, such as restrooms and locker rooms, so they feel safe and respected.

By focusing on these areas, we can Build a Better Iowa—an educational system that meets the individual needs of students and prepares them for a successful future.

Ask Me

The first question I always ask regarding any policy or legislation is, "How will this help us build a better Iowa?"

Please feel free to reach out and ask where I stand on any issue. I’m always open to discussing how we can work together to create a stronger, more prosperous future for all Iowans.



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